Europe - Broadband - Regulating fibre access

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Last updated: 20 Feb 2009 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 9


Several European countries now lead the world in broadband penetration. A number of factors have contributed to this success, fundamental among them being the role of governments and regulators in ensuring fair access to incumbent networks and in removing obstacles to investment. Europe still lags behind Asia in the deployment of fibre networks, yet the rapidly developing consumer market for triple play services and content means that the fibre sector will be the principal focus for new infrastructure investment in coming years. The onus is on national regulators to manage the expanding fibre footprint effectively, if necessary through enforcing structural separation on incumbents, so benefitting consumers and delivering a world-class infrastructure for the future. This report examines European regulatory policies in 2009 which aim to encourage fibre infrastructure investment while promoting competition. The report was archived in July 2013.

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