Global - Telecoms Maturity Index - Top 20 Countries

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Last updated: 3 Jan 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 44

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


BuddeComm has developed a Telecoms Maturity Index (TMI) which provides a benchmark regarding the telecoms maturity of countries around the world. The index analyses the Broadband, Mobile and Fixed Line markets of a specific country as well as a range of parameters to help evaluate the economic development of a country.

BuddeComm’s TMI measures and ranks the maturity of a country’s telecoms industry on a scale of 1 to 100. This BuddeComm report provides the Global Top 20 ranking of countries in terms of telecoms maturity. It also demonstrates where these countries are ranked in terms of population and GDP compared to overall Telecoms Maturity.

The report includes an overview of the telecoms market of each country represented in the TMI listings.

It is worth noting that Europe dominates both top 10 and top 20 listings, in particular by the Northern European, Nordic nations. There is also high representation from Asia, the USA and Australia/New Zealand. When considering population as well, a number of the emerging markets also make an appearance in the top listings.

Key developments:

  • European countries largely dominate the TMI rankings, accounting for 12 of the top 20 countries.
  • Asia is arguably the world's most diverse region with regards to its telecoms industry and is well represented within the TMI Global rankings with 7 Asians nations listed in the global TMI Top 20 and two nations present in the global top 10.
  • When including population as a parameter - there are a number of countries from the emerging markets highlighted in the Telecoms Maturity Index.
  • North America benefits from a highly developed economy, substantial telecoms infrastructure and large population.

Countries mentioned in this report:

Australia; Bangladesh; Brazil; China; D.R. Congo; Denmark; Egypt; Estonia; Ethiopia; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong; Iceland; India; Iran; Japan; Macau; Malta; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Pakistan; Philippines; Russia; Singapore; South Korea; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States; Vietnam.

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