Croatia - Mobile Infrastructure, Broadband, Operators - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 16 Oct 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 57


Croatia’s mobile market is served by three network operators, while there is also room for a small number of MVNOs. The network operators have focused on improving ARPU by encouraging prepaid subscribers to migrate to postpaid plans, and on developing revenue from customer use of mobile data services. To this end considerable investment is ongoing to upgrade network infrastructure, with the incumbent telco Hrvatski Telekom spearheading trials of 5G technologies and services.

Nevertheless, the market during the last few years has been hampered by a poor economic climate which has held back customer spend. In a bid to reduce State debt, the government tripled the annual fee paid by licensees for spectrum, which has led to increased pricing.

This report offers a review of Croatia’s mobile market, including a variety of financial and performance statistics on service providers. It assesses network developments and deployed technologies and examines a range of mobile services including m-commerce.

Key developments:

  • Tele2 Croatia sold to United Group;
  • A1 Croatia and Hrvatski Telekom deploy NB-IoT network;
  • Hrvatski Telekom trials 5G in preparation for 2020 spectrum auctions;
  • Regulator sets new fixed and mobile termination rates;
  • Report update includes the regulator’s market data to June 2019, telcos’ operating and financial data to Q2 2019, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Hrvatski Telekom (HT), A1 Croatia (VIPnet), Tele2 Croatia

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