New Zealand - The FttH debate - analysis mid 2009

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Last updated: 14 Jul 2009 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 6

Analyst: Paul Budde


New Zealand is in the midst of developing its plans for a $1.5 billion economic stimulus package aimed at building an open, dark fibre network. The Government has received a large number of submissions from industry and other groups and is considering the appropriate implementation policies. Developments in New Zealand are particularly closely watched in Australia which will also construct a fibre-based network providing connectivity to 90% of residential and business premises. Australia is perhaps six months behind New Zealand with respect to their own plans. Members of the industry in New Zealand are pessimistic regarding the possible execution risks related to the project. The Government in New Zealand is considering trans-sector synergies with respect to their fibre network and in June Paul Budde presented NZ Communications Minister Steven Joyce with a Big Think Report on Trans-Sector Thinking.

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